Saturday 1 May 2021

Principles for working out

I started working out on 31st May 2017. Since then, I have logged over 450 Nike Training Club workouts on the app. There are many other workouts that I have not logged. I have primarily done body weight workouts. There are a few things about exercises and working out that I have learnt and want to share. These are my principles for working out. 

Caution: These principles are helpful in the long duration, and might only apply to myself.

Consistency is key

If you exercise consistently, it's easier to exercise consistently. It gets built into your routine. For me, It's almost always better to exercise everyday than any other combination of alternate days, or changing times. Be consistent, then finding the time becomes easier. You and your body too become acclimated to working out at a certain time of day

Side note: What would it be like to work for 250 days a year and then to take 100 off? Instead of the 5 days on, 2 days off model we work continuously for 250 days then 100 off. We would be able to build a deep routine in both, work and rest. That should make our work better and rest deeper. 

Simple is better

Use simple movements. Performing exercises with simple movements is better than exercises with complex movements. When you exercise simple, you have fewer chances to mess up. You also are at more freedom to observe your body and correct for any mistakes in movement, or form.

Additionally, with complex exercises and movements, you might feel like you're doing more than you actually are. That benefits nobody, and increases the chances of getting injured. How do you judge an exercise is complex or simple? You figure that through practice and your own judgement. Also, simple does not mean easy. Holding a plank is simple, not easy. 

I've generally stuck to body-weight exercises based on this principle.

Routine is necessary

Set up a time-based rhythm for the difficulty and effort put in exercises. I've built a 3-day routine for myself where I'm supposed to do a certain type of exercise. Monday is mobility, Tuesday is strength with a focus on the core muscle group, Wednesday is a HIIT. Repeat for the next three days, and take Sunday off, or a simple set of exercises to keep the body moving, but not straining it at all. 

Having a rest day in the week is necessary to be able to exercise well and maintain consistency over a long duration. Considering that Sundays generally have the most disruption for my schedule, placing the rest days on Sundays is most comfortable and rather convenient.

Know your limits

Go through the longest exercise/run you can possibly bare before you're completely exhausted. Then take that and on average do exercises that require half the effort of your maximum capacity. Generally that's a good benchmark to set and work up from there. It informs you where you should start pushing. A corollary is that you can perform your average twice over. That is, whatever your average is, you can double the effort/distance and in general be able to finish the exercise.

Strain in moderation

By strain I mean feeling the movement in your muscles. You know you're pushing your body to extend a bit more from where you are currently at.

Putting some strain and feeling it is important. But it should not be an everyday occurrence. Otherwise it tires you out, and maintaining consistency becomes really tough. But exercising without strain is tiring too. My mind wanders if I'm not pushing myself.

When injured, take rest

You are bound to get injured if you exercise. Whenever you're injured, take rest and a few days off. You can't exercise the injury away. You'll only prolong the duration of the injury and the associated pain.


Wrote while listening to Giorgio by Moroder (feat. Giorgio Moroder) by Daft Punk. Great music.

Saturday 24 April 2021

Cultural significance of artifacts

 I was watching a video of a 'The Killers' concert. They were performing 'Mr. Brightside'. What hit me was that the entire audience was singing the song along with the singer. That felt extraordinary to me. 

Here are a set of performers who enjoyed performing on whatever they were. They ended up creating something of such cultural significance that everyone in their audience knew the song, and its lyrics by heart. I wonder what it's like to have created something that is so significant, and resonates with so many people across society, that they have committed the song to memory. 

Each one of those individuals in the crowd probably has some meaning attached to the song. Some were probably dancing to it at a party they had their first kiss at. Some were probably listening to it while traveling and ended up associating that song with their travels. They have created a bond to song that means something to the people at large.

I wonder what it's like to experience so many people taking to heart and making their own what you have created. Not very many people get to experience that in my estimation, and they are almost always creators, builders and makers. 

Edit 25/06: Maybe it gives a certain sense of immortality to the artifact itself. And that too is crazy to think about. Something you've created stays on in the cultural zeitgeist long after you have departed.

Monday 18 January 2021

On how I want to live life

Imagine this - if you could, at age 80,  know what every second of your life was like, would you have lived any second differently? Would you have made any different choices? Would you have loved more deeply? Would you have smiled more at strangers? Would you have chosen to pay more attention to life? 

I have a choice everyday to write a different story. The only story worth writing is where I lived life paying complete attention, knowing what I am, and where I am. Besides, what else is there to do! 

Does this mean that I will live every moment like this? More than likely that would not be the case. But at the very least, that would be the intention. To live life not 10 feet above, but right there. Not a distance removed, but in the moment.