Thursday 9 April 2020

The power of Coursera and online learning

Coursera is a potent learning tool.

This declaration comes as a surprise to no one. However, it is essential to note that Coursera has innovated and created a platform that is only possible over the internet. Where it lacks in social interaction of schools and universities, it has made up through its unique pedagogy. I've gone through a few courses and have listed the ways Coursera currently brings value.

No filler content

Anyone who's gone through university has experienced a professor that adds filler content to classes. It is inevitable. The structure of classes on Coursera ensures that there is no filler content. The lessons are scripted, structured, and perfected before recording. Not only do students get to repeat lessons infinitely, but professors can also re-record a lecture to perfection.


Slow learner? Not an issue, you can repeat the same thing plenty of times. 
Fast learner? Not an issue, you can play the videos at 2x.
Forgot the previous class? Not an issue, you can go through the content the same way it was taught the first time, thus ensuring recall. 

The fact that a student is not forced to conform to the standards of 'the average' means that the student can learn at their own pace. They don't have to be bored or lost in class anymore. 

Atomic videos

Coursera developed a platform and a new way to learn. Students can learn concepts in videos of no longer than 10 minutes. Each concept is given a separate video and is (at times) independent of the other videos. What's better is that short quizzes follow videos. These quizzes serve as revision and proof of comprehension. If you haven't followed the concept, the quiz immediately reveals the fact, and you watch the video again!

This is a far cry from the way universities teach. At present, it is not possible to implement such an arrangement in universities. Even if the system is implemented, students are still held up to the standards of the average. There is no escaping the standards of the average in a university setting.

Value education over the certificate

You can attend most courses without having to pay. If you value education over the proof of education, Coursera is the perfect place to learn. There are no paywalls; there are no entrance criteria; you get to learn from the best whenever you like. 

World's best professors available 24/7

You get to learn from world-class professors at a moment's notice. You can learn whenever you want and wherever you want. You're not necessitated into staying close to the professor. All you need is an internet connection and an electronic device that can connect you to the internet. 

There is no time in history where the opportunity to learn from the world's greatest teachers is so economical and convenient. I believe that Coursera still has room to exploit the unique benefits of the internet and further develop its pedagogy. But it's clearly on the right path, and I want to see how they revolutionize education.

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