Thursday 25 October 2018

Trying new things is scary: City Planning

Trying new things is scary. You're out of your comfort zone, you don't know where to start and you generally lack any "Knowledge by induction"in that field. But it also presents to you an opportunity one that you wouldn't have had if you learnt it formally. An opportunity of bringing fresh perspective.

City planning has always been of interest to me. I remember an assignment my brother was given a long long time ago. He had to plan out what an island should look like where the roads should go and everything down to the last detail and he was supposed to present it. This memory has stuck on since I was in Grade 1 or 2. I've always tried to make drawings and plan thereafter, some attempts being more successful than others.

But I believe this time, it's worth trying as a complete project. A new project, something that is absolutely novel, for me at least. I have no knowledge of the field whatsoever and am studying as an undergraduate that doesn't directly present an opportunity to take up a job in this field. It just seems like an interesting challenge to take up; something to do from the ground up. Designing a city and thinking of ideas down to their finest details. I hope you do join me in the effort, I'm open sourcing it and I'll be publishing updates as and when I am able to think of them.

I'll use git as a tool to make it easier for multiple people to work on it at once. I'll be laying down the formal beginnings in the article I publish there. Please do check it out!

For those of you not well versed in technology, I'll be publishing a PDF version on the blog, do go through it and recommend changes that you think should be made at paaras12 [at] gmail [dot] com!

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